Application form for the Round I
Application Form
for the Participant of the First International Contest of
Young Vocalists Named after. F.I. Chaliapin
1. Surname, name, middle name (if any)* of the participant
2. Date of birth ____.____.________**
3. Surname, name, middle name (if any)* of the teacher
4. Surname, name, middle name (if any)* accompanist
5. Name, address, phone, fax, e-mail releasing organization (if any) or educational institution (postcode is obligatory, for phone – code in international format***) ______________________________________________
6. Address with postcode, contact phones, fax,
e-mail of the participant
7. Participation and results of participation in other festivals:
8. Competitive programme (it is obligatory to indicate name, surname of the composer and author of words, full name and playing time of the composition) ____________________________________________________
Tel. for reference+375 17 222 37 33; Velc.+375 44 771 52 39
e-mail: chorovyka100@yandex.by
*In full
**In the format DD.MM.YYYY
***For example, +375 29 100 00 00