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NGO "Belarusian Union of Music Figures"
M.P. Drinevskiy
Rector of The Belarusian State Academy of Music


the First International Contest of young vocalists named after F. I. Chaliapin
Minsk2017 г.

1.1. The Regulation of The First International Contest of Young Vocalists Named after F.I. Chaliapin determines the procedure for the preparation, organization and holding the First International Contest of Young Vocalists named after F.I. Chaliapin (hereinafter - the Contest).
1.2 The main goals of the competition is to educate the younger generation of spiritual culture as the basis for the formation of civil philosophy, understanding and love of the world and national art, the identification and subsequent support creative young talents.
1.3. Objectives of the competition:
- preservation of the Belarusian boys vocal performance traditions;
- identification of vocal talents and creative personalities;
- popularization of classical music among children and adolescents, involving as many children and adolescents in cultural traditions of Belarus;
- formation the vocalists repertoire on the basis of the national composer school;
- formation and upbringing artistic taste, positive social attitudes and interests in the younger generation;
- provision of vocational-guidance work.
1.4. Founders of the Contest are:

NGO "Belarusian Union of Music Figures" ("BUMF ") and its structural divisions: Shalyapin Society of Belarus NGO "BUMF ", Heads Association of boys choirs NGO "BUMF ", The production center "Classic"NGO "BUMF ".
1.5. The information about the preparation and holding of this contest including the information about time, place of the contest,   condition of contest, criteria and procedure of assessing of the performance of participants, procedure and dates of announcement of contest’ results, rate of award and also other necessary information are available on the official website of the contest www.shalyapin-voice.org and on the official web-site the Heads Association of boys and young men choirs NGO "BUMF" www.choristy.by.     
2.1. The contest is held in two rounds:
Round I (by correspondence) - from November 1, 2017 till January 1, 2018

Round II (in presence) - March 23-25, 2018.
2.2. To participate in the contest, boys and boys aged 9 to 20 (outside departmental membership) are allowed.
The age of participants is determined on start date of the II round of the Competition.
2.3. The contest is held in the following nominations and age groups:
«А» – 9 - 10 years (included);
average age group:

«В» – 11 - 13 years (included);
«С» – 14 - 16 years (included);
senior age group:
«D» – 17 - 18 years (included);
«E» – 19 - 20 years (included).
2.4. To participate in the Contest the participant (the legal representative of a natural person) presents not later 20.01.2017 to Organizing committee (further – the Organizing committee) the registered mail to the address: 220030, Minsk, Ya. Kupala St., 17/30, NGO "Belarusian Union of Music Figures" or by E-mail to the address chorovyka100@yandex.by with a mark: "contests named after F.I. Chaliapin", – the following materials:
application form, on the form according to the annex to the present Provision (on paper or in electronic form on a demo video disk);
copy of the document of identification of the participant (certificate of birth or 31 and 32 pages of the passport);

demo video disk or video recording (reference to an electronic resource in wide area network Internet on which the video is placed) in the avi or mp4 format with record of a performance of the participant with two works at the choice.
The first work – accompanied by a piano or other musical instrument (other musical instruments). The soundtrack "minus" is forbidden to be used.
The second work is performed by a'cappella.
The date of receiving of materials is determined by date of a postmark or the date of receiving of E-mail.
The applications which have received after 20.01.2018 aren't accepted.
2.5. To the participants who have succeeded to the II round, not later 05.02.2018 the invitation for participation in the II round of the Contest is sent. The II round of the Contest is held in academy to the address: Minsk, Internatsionalnaya St., 30.
The competitive program of the II tour includes 3 works, and for the nomination "E" – 4 works:
- the vocal composition of the national composer of the country of the participant accompanied by a piano or other musical instrument (other musical instruments). The phonogram "minus" is forbidden to be used.

- the national song (at the choice of the participant) a’cappella;
- work at the choice.
For the nomination "E" the obligatory fourth work is the ancient classical aria by composers of the domotsartovsky period.
Duration of a performance shouldn't exceed:
for the nominations "A" and "B" – 10 minutes;
for the nominations "C" and "D" – 15 minutes;
for the E nominations – 20 minutes.
2.6. The final gala concert and awarding the winners of the competition will be held on March 25, 2018 in the Small Hall named after G.R. Shirma of the Belarusian State Philharmonic (or the "Upper Town").

2.7. All the materials received or recorded by the organizers during the festival-competition (photos, audio, video) are the property of the festival-contest organizer. The usage of the materials for the purposes of conducting and advertising the festival-contest does not require additional coordination with the festival-contest participants.
3.1. For the organization and holding the Competition by founders the Organizing committee is created. Number of members of the Organizing committee is approved by founders. Heads the Organizing committee and the director of the Competition directs his activity. The director of the Competition is appointed by founders.
3.2. Organizing committee:
is responsible for preparation and holding of the Contest;
receive the application forms for the participation in the Contest;
makes the decision on the admission to participation in the Contest;
makes the decision on release of participants from an registration fee;

defines time of repetitions and an order of a performance of participants of the Contest;
provides the meeting, accommodation of participants of the Contest and the persons accompanying them by prior request;
resolves other issues of preparation and holding the Contest.
3.3. Meetings of the Organizing committee are considered as competent if at them there are not less than two thirds of in it.
The decision of the Organizing committee is made by voting and shall be deemed accepted if more than a half of the members of the Organizing committee who are present at a meeting has voted for it. The voting form is defined by the director of the Contest.
3.4. For assessment of performances of participants of the Contest founders create jury among authoritative public figures in the field of the academic vocal performance and music education of the Republic of Belarus and foreign countries conducting masters of an opera scene, the faculty of academy, representatives of founders.
Teachers whose students are participants of the Contest can't be judges.
3.5. Jury:
estimates execution by participants of the competitive program;
fills out reports of proceedings at a meeting;

defines winners and students of the Contest, owners of special awards;
forms the program of a final gala concert of the Contest.
3.6. Decisions of jury are made at meetings and issued by protocols which are signed by all judges. The jury is competent to make the decision if at a meeting there are at least two thirds of the approved composition of jury. The decision of the jury is final and cannot be appealed.
4.1. Criteria for assessing of performances of Contest’ participants:
technical level of the performed compositions;
performance emotionality and artistry;
composition interpretation;
cultural stage of the participants.

4.2. Winners of the Contest are defined in each nomination and are awarded with diplomas of I, II or III degrees with assignment of a rank of the winner and delivery of a memorable prize. Owners of diplomas of the I degree are handed also cash bonuses.
According to the decision of jury the Grand Prize of a competition and a gift money can be also awarded.
4.3. The contestants of the II tour who aren't awarded diplomas of I, II, and III degrees and a rank of the winner of the Competition are awarded with diplomas with assignment of a rank of the student of the Competition.
4.4. The jury has the right to award not all diplomas, within means of prize fund to award several diplomas of II or III degrees.
The jury has the right to award special diplomas and recognition gifts, including for the best execution of the separate work and also to award special prizes to the best teachers and leaders of participants of the Contest.
4.5. The decision of jury appears 25.03.2018 in day of holding a final gala concert of the Contest.
4.6. The contest comes to the end with ceremonial awards and decorations presentation to winners and a final gala concert of winners and the best performances of students of the Contest.
5.1. Financing of the Contests effected on account of the expense of organizational contributions of the participants, means of the sponsor support, dotations and other sources which aren't forbidden by the legislation.

5.2. The amount of the organizational fee is 30 euros. Participants not later 05.03.2018 transfer the organizational fee to the current account of the NGO "Belarusian Union of Music Figures" ("BUMF "). № BY46PJCB30150162411000000933 in «Priorbank» OJSC Banking Services Center 113, BIC: PJCBBY2X, 220002, Minsk, Komsomolskaya St., 13, Tax Identification Number 100099983, OKPO code 00027275 (purpose of payment «Contest Named after F.I. Chaliapin» with an indication of name and surname of the participant) in Belarusian rubles at the rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus at the time of payment or present to the Organizing committee the copy of the documents confirming the basis for release from it payment.
In exceptional cases, by agreement with the Organizing committee, the organizational fee can be paid in cash in the NGO "Belarusian Union of Music Figures" ("BUMF ") upon arrival in the Contest.
The paid organizational fee doesn't return, its size shall not be subject to any alterations.
5.3. Orphan children and children without parental support, persons from among orphan children and children without parental support, disabled people I, II or III groups, disabled children are exempted from an organizational contribution for the decision of the Organizing committee.
5.4. Expenses for journey, accommodation and meal of participants and the persons accompanying them, are on participants (representative in law under age participants) or the releasing organization. The participants who have previously not notify the necessity of booking rooms in the hotel, resolve accommodation issues independently, without assistance of the Organizing committee.
5.5. Entry into the Contest concert opening 23.03.2018 to the concert hall "Upper Town" ticket-based (paid).
Entry to competitive events of the II tour in academy is free.
Entry to final gala concert 25.03.2018 to the concert hall "Upper Tpwn" is free.


Application Form

for the Participant of the First International Contest of
Young Vocalists Named after. F.I. Chaliapin

1. Surname, name, middle name (if any)* of the participant
2. Dateofbirth____.____.________**
3. Surname, name, middle name (if any)* of the teacher
4. Surname, name, middle name (if any)* accompanist
5. Name, address, phone, fax, e-mail releasing organization (if any) or educational institution (postcode is obligatory, for phone – code in international format***) ______________________________________________
6. Address with postcode, contact phones, fax,
e-mail of the participant
7. Participation and results of participation in other festivals:
8. Competitive programme (it is obligatory to indicate name, surname of  the composer and author of words, full name and playing time of the composition) ____________________________________________________
Tel. for reference+375 17 222 37 33; Velc.+375 44 771 52 39
e-mail: chorovyka100@yandex.by
*In full
**In the format DD.MM.YYYY

***For example, +375 29 100 00 00


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